joi, 31 iulie 2008

10 things i got ...on my 22nd birthday anniversary

1. i got my bebitza aka galustiuca aka perisoara
2. i got a new job
3. i got a new car
4. i got my same old best friends :x
5. i got my new good friends
6. i got my same old dog aka "vaka nebuna"
7. i got a tattoo 8-|
8. i got a coming niece 8->
9. i got my Diploma in Journalism :-j
10. i got my faith

but above all..cum era cantecul ala: i got my eyes, i got my smile, i got my hair... i got nothing

4 comentarii:

Anonim spunea...

you got new things to dream of 8->

Anonim spunea...

bogdanleon..cauta ma

Anonim spunea...

@anonim Pt ce sa te caute mai bogdan:-?

Anonim spunea...

@yoda: nu intelegi, probabil bogdan vrea sa faca schimb de informatii despre masinile Seat. Iulia are Ibiza, el are Leon, nu? ...bogdanleon